by jonesfamilylawgroup23 | Nov 29, 2022 | Child Custody Child Support & Co-Parenting
One of the many decisions addressed by a Parenting Plan when parents divorce is where the children will go to school. In Missouri, family courts assume children will attend public schools unless there is a particular or specific educational need of the child that the...
by jonesfamilylawgroup23 | Nov 22, 2022 | Divorce & Legal Separation
Once the decision is made to end a marriage, one big question you may have is who will move out, and how soon. But what if it’s necessary to continue living together for a while longer? Is that a crazy idea? Can you make it work? It’s not uncommon for divorcing...
by jonesfamilylawgroup23 | Nov 8, 2022 | Child Custody Child Support & Co-Parenting
When couples make the decision to divorce, they often agonize over telling their children. How long should you wait before breaking the news? What words should you use? How much should you explain or leave out, and how will you answer kids’ questions? All of these...
by jonesfamilylawgroup23 | Oct 11, 2022 | Agreements, Child Custody Child Support & Co-Parenting, COVID-19, Divorce & Legal Separation, Processes
Figuring out health insurance coverage for yourself can be tough, not to mention the responsibility of covering a spouse and/or dependents. The end of a marriage is one big reason people often want to cancel their spouse’s coverage. And with many insurance companies...
by jonesfamilylawgroup23 | Oct 5, 2022 | Agreements, Child Custody Child Support & Co-Parenting, COVID-19, Divorce & Legal Separation, Processes
In divorce, details matter. Making sure the right forms are completed and filed can make all the difference between receiving the assets to which you’re entitled, and wondering what happened. If you’re divorcing or already divorced and/or receive child support, a...