
Who Gets the Family Pet in a Divorce?
Figuring out health insurance coverage for yourself can be tough, not to mention the responsibility of covering a spouse and/or dependents. The end of a marriage is one big reason people often want to cancel their spouse’s coverage. And with many insurance companies...
Co-Parents: Could Nesting Work for You?
Children of divorced parents typically divide their time between each parent’s home. “Nesting,” sometimes called birdnesting, represents a fairly new approach to co-parenting. The child remains in one home (the family “nest”), and the parents take turns rotating in...
Child’s Best Interest: The Role of the Guardian ad Litem (“GAL”)
The ending of a marriage means major life changes for children as well as the parents. During legal proceedings, it is often important that the children’s best interests be heard and fairly expressed. Neither parent’s attorney may represent the child. That is where...
Ask These Questions Before You Tie the Knot
You’re in love, maybe you’re engaged to be married, and you know everything about your betrothed. Or do you? Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to see couples seeking to divorce because of issues that could have been discovered, discussed — and oftentimes resolved —...
Ten Tips to Prepare for Your Deposition
During your divorce, you may be required to have your deposition taken. It’s part of what the rules refer to as “discovery.” A deposition is where you are asked live questions by your spouse’s attorney under oath. If your spouse’s attorney schedules your deposition,...
Parent Coordinator Helps Divorced Couples Manage Custody Disputes
Family courts expect divorced parents to work together in good faith to do what’s best for their children. In a perfect world, co-parents create a Parenting Plan and then not only follow it, but also remain flexible enough to solve problems and handle changes as they...
10 Documents for a Business Valuation in Divorce
A company that you, your spouse or both of you own, like any other marital asset, is subject to division in the divorce settlement. If the business is considered marital property, determining its value is the next step. Value may be based on historical income...
Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media During Divorce
Social media can be a terrific way to connect with family and friends. Some use it to celebrate life’s big moments, share news stories, or to express personal opinions. But did you ever consider the consequences of your social media history if you were to divorce?...
Can You Really Claim Social Security Benefits from Your Ex When You Retire?
You or your ex may qualify for 50% of the other’s Social Security benefits once retired, even if your retirement takes place after the divorce. The guidelines and rules for eligibility are strict! Here is the breakdown on how it works: Who May Claim Social Security...
What Our Former Clients Wish They Knew About Divorce
Tips for current and prospective clients from former clients Hindsight is 20/20 we say, looking at our past actions that didn’t have a good outcome. In family law and divorce, it can be tough to determine the right course of action. So we asked some former clients at...
Best Practices: How to Preserve Text Messages for Divorce Court
Sitting down with a divorce attorney for that initial consultation is a big step. You undoubtedly have lots of questions–and maybe a feeling that you aren’t even sure what questions to ask. An experienced attorney will guide you through the process. But there are...
How Should I Prepare for My Initial Consultation With a Lawyer?
Sitting down with a divorce attorney for that initial consultation is a big step. You undoubtedly have lots of questions–and maybe a feeling that you aren’t even sure what questions to ask. An experienced attorney will guide you through the process. But there are...